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07/10/2021 - Marcelo Rocha Santos - Brazil *** Fatal ***

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 1:11 am
by alb
Man dies after suffering shark attack on Pernambuco beach
The man sustained deep wounds to his right thigh and his right hand was lost during the attack.

A man suffered a shark attack at Praia de Piedade, located in Greater Recife, Pernambuco. The accident happened this Saturday afternoon (10/7), when the victim was taking a bath in waist-deep water.

The victim was identified as 51-year-old Marcelo Rocha Santos. The man was with friends at a get-together and would have gone into the sea to get rid of the sand. Upon realizing the attack, he would have called for help at the observation post that was exactly in front of the incident.

According to information from the Diário de Pernambuco portal , deep wounds were found in the right thigh and the man's right hand was lost during the attack. The victim would have lost a lot of blood and come out of the water disoriented.

As the lifeguard station was on standby, the ambulance was called immediately and the man was taken alive to the Hospital da Restauração. Lifeguards provided first aid while still on site as they tried to contain the bleeding. At the Hospital da Restauração, Marcelo had a cardiac arrest and could not resist.

The first data on shark attacks off the coast of the state were only collected from 1992 onwards. Since that date, 65 accidents with the animals have been officially registered. During this period, 25 people died from the attacks . The data are from the State Monitoring Committee (Cemit).