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09/24/2005 Brad Satchell ( Australia ) No Injury

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:03 pm
by sharkbait
Surfer hit shark in the head An Australian surfer said on Saturday he fought off a 1m shark by punching it in the face.

Surfer hit shark in the head
24/09/2005 09:03 - (SA)
Sydney - This was a shark attack with a difference.
An Australian surfer said on Saturday he fought off a 1m shark by punching it in the face.
Brad Satchell, 44, told Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio he was surfing off Scarborough Beach near the western city of Perth on Friday when the shark, probably a bronze whaler, swam up to him.
After initially thinking it was a seal, Satchell hid behind his surf board and lashed out.
"I lifted my body out of the water and I just got my fists and ... I just started punching and I connected with its head," he said.
Satchell was unhurt. The shark's condition was not known.
- AP
09/27/2005 02:05 AM
Australian Surfer Survives Shark Attack
Australian surfer Brad Satchell, 44, fought off a shark attack by literally punching the shark repeatedly with his fist.
He also turned his surfboard on its side to use as a shield. He was surfing about 390 feet offshore at Perth's Scarborough beach.
"I actually had a smile on my face when I first saw [it] because I thought it was a seal. I lifted my body out of the
water and I just got my fists and I remember what I’d read in the paper. I just started punching and I connected with its head."
He thinks that the shark might have been a bronze whaler about three feet long.
Surfer fights off shark with punches
September 24, 2005 - 3:19PM
A surfer fought off a shark by punching it in the face and escaped unhurt from the encounter at Perth's
Scarborough beach.
Brad Satchell was surfing about 120 metres off the coast Friday morning when a small, one-metre-long shark swam straight for him.
The 44-year-old man told ABC radio that at first sighting he thought it was a seal.
"I actually had a smile on my face when I first seen the thing because I thought it was a seal," Mr Satchell said.
"I can remember I was actually smiling, but then it just changed and I thought wow this thing is going to have a go at me."
Realising it was a shark, probably a bronze whaler, he said he put up a fight, hitting it several times.
"Probably two or three foot before it tried to attack me, I turned my board on the side to use it as a shield," he said.
"I lifted my body out of the water and I just got my fists and I remember what I'd read in the paper - I just started punching and I connected with its head."
He was unhurt and paddled to safety.