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06/30/2015 - Steven - Australia

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:00 am
by alb
Shark attacks Yamba surfer at Flat Rock

WHEN Steve pulled his hand out of the water, to find it shredded and drenched in blood, he knew exactly what had happened.

The Yamba surfer, who preferred not to publish his surname, told the ABC he was surfing off Flat Rock near Pippi Beach last week when a shark took a bit of his hand and his surfboard.

"The first wave I caught I just flicked off and was paddling back out and it hit me straight away," Steve said.

"As soon as I pulled my hand out it was shredded and there was blood everywhere, so I knew it was a shark. The force it hit me with, it hit really hard."

He said he the bite left him with some nerve damage and badly severed tendons and required surgery at the Gold Coast University Hospital.

"They put the tendons and nerves back together and in three months it should be getting back together," Steve said.

"There's a bit of nerve damage that might not come good but hopefully with hand therapy I'll get it back."

He said he had no idea what type of shark was responsible.

"I didn't see anything at first but after it hit me I saw a black flash under the water," he said.

"It had a black top."

This attack happened just days before Ballina surfer Matthew Lee was rushed to the Gold Coast University Hospital in a critical condition after a shark attack.

When Steve heard about Mathew Lee arriving at the hospital in a critical condition, he was grateful that his injuries weren't worse.

"I thought 'how lucky am I?'" Steve said.

"I only got my hand mauled."

Steve said he planned to surf again once his hand had healed.

"I'll be a bit nervous, but everyone knows they're there," he said.

"People say you won't get hit twice so I'm feeling pretty confident."