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07/30/2023 Jenson Jones 10 yr Ocean Isle Beach North Carolina

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:54 am
by alb
Local boy bitten by shark while on family vacation in North Carolina

SHADYSIDE, Ohio (WTRF) – It’s summertime and many families are making their way to the beach for vacation.

A 10-year-old boy from Shadyside, Ohio was enjoying his family getaway at Ocean Isle Beach, N.C. where he soon lived out many people’s biggest nightmare.

Jenson Jones was bitten by a shark.

Thankfully, he is doing well, but he did sustain injuries to his foot.

“I was just dragging my mom on a surfboard and then I felt something bite me and I was crying. I was like ‘Ouch, something bit me.’ So, my Aunt Casey picked me up and I was bleeding. I got x-rayed and I got bandaged up, and I have to take two antibiotics per day.”
Jenson Jones | Shadyside, Ohio

Luckily, Jenson did not need any stitches and his family says he is only the seventh person ever for this to happen to at Ocean Isle Beach.

So, will he ever go in the ocean again?

Well, Jenson says that is a decision for next summer.

From everyone here at WTRF, we are so glad you’re doing better Jenson!