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06/22/2020 - Jacob 7 yr old - Florida

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:48 pm
by alb
Boy, 7, recovering from shark attack at Fla. beach, his mother says

FLORIDA (WCIV) — A trip to a Florida beach ended with injuries for a 7-year-old boy.

The boy's mom said her son was attacked by a shark.

"It was in three spots," he told reporters. "When I went into the water, it was like an animal and it bit me," said Jacob, the boy attacked by the shark.

His mom believes a bull shark may be responsible from the markings on his leg.

"And all we saw was the blood coming down," she said. "I just don't want anyone to have a false sense of security that they think because it's closed off that they're safe there.

The park has a beach area that has a small canal that reaches to the ocean, but for the most part, it is closed off.

She says ultimately it was no one's fault and just wants parents to keep a close eye on the their children when they're in the water.

"Had that been a toddler, that would have been a lot worse," she said.

We showed the pictures to fishing captain Stan Saffan, who also believes it may be a bull shark bite.

"When the water gets warm, the fish get pretty active," Staffan said. "Always be aware of your surroundings.

He says anytime you get in the water, you're in shark territory.

As for Jacob, his mom said when he got bit, he didn't shed a tear.

"He was cool, calm and collect. I on the other hand was a mess," she said.

She said the lifeguards quickly gave her son medical attention and then he was taken to the hospital where he got 19 stitches.

And while Jacob and his mom don't hold a grudge against whatever may have bit him, he says his grandma has her own plans if they ever catch it.

"To fry it and chop it up and eat it!" he said.

Jacob is not planning on jumping back into the water any time soon, at least not at the beach. He says he will more than likely stick to the swimming pool once healed.