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12/29/2014 - Jeff Brown - Australia

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:58 am
by helmi
Shark bites surfer near Sussex Inlet
By Adam Wright
Dec. 29, 2014

A SANCTUARY Point man was bitten by a shark near Sussex Inlet on Monday morning.

Jeff Brown and his daughter Rhianna were surfing at Bherwerre Beach near the entrance to Sussex Inlet when he was bitten.

He had just caught a wave and was in the white water when he felt the shark latch on.

“I had just caught my first wave and was laying in the water with the board when I felt something grab my ankle,” he said.

“I knew it was a shark. I shook my leg but it didn’t let go so I kicked it with my right foot and cut that foot on its teeth. Then it let go and went away.”

Mr Brown said he didn’t feel any pain.

“It was really weird, I always imagined if I got bitten by a shark it would be more like a dog attack. “But it was quick, and it was all happening down below the water where I couldn’t see it. I was just kicking it off with my feet.

“It’s probably the best way to get bitten by a shark.

“Then after it let go I was a bit worried it might come back.”

Mr Brown’s daughter saw it swim away and thought it could have been about two metres long.

“We don’t know what sort of shark it was but it had a pretty big fin on it,” Mr Brown said.

Shortly after he made it to shore his brother-in-law and sister arrived with a first aid kit.

They bandaged his wounds before taking him to the Sanctuary Point Medical Centre where he received more than 20 stitches in his right foot as well as stitches in his left foot.

Source: South Coast Register