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11/15/2010 Pedrito Pinales (Dominican Republic ) ***Fatal***

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Re: 11/15/2010 Pedrito Pinales (Dominican Republic ) ***Fata

Post by alb »


Monday, November 15, 2010 17:18
Dice warned that dives in the area of Las Malenas
ANDREW, Boca Chica .- A young fish was diving in the area of Las Malenas of this county, was
eaten by a shark and what little remained of his body was found floating by the Navy on Monday in
the waters of Caribbean Sea.
The victim was identified as Pedrito Pinales Zapata, 2l years, the shark who ate more than 50
percent of his body, including a leg and only the head and face were intact.
Pinales Zapata resided at kilometer 47 of the motorway of the East, to the Las Malenas, which
belongs to the municipality of Boca Chica.
According to his family, Pedrito Pinales Zapata left Sunday afternoon to dive, despite the warning
that the area had many sharks.
Indicated that they did not come to see were part of the Navy's Boca Chica which immediately
began to search and it was not until 8:30 am on Monday when they found the body maimed.
Jose Pinales Zapata, brother of the victim and quen also engaged in fishing in the area said that he
and several of his colleagues advised the youth not out to sea for days because they had seen the
shooting the animal dangerous shoal where do they work, what Pedrito disobeyed and went alone to
the sea.
The case has been filled with consternation to the residents of the place The Malenas because
Pinales Zapata had become a figure much admired by his attitude of service.

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Re: 11/15/2010 Pedrito Pinales (Dominican Republic ) ***Fata

Post by alb »

ANDRÉS, BOCA CHICA.- Un hombre que estaba buceando en la zona de Las Malenas, de esta
comunida, fue devorado este lunes por un tiburón, lo que consternó acompañeros y familiares de la
La víctima fue identificada por la Policía como Pedrito Pinales Zapata, de 21 años, fue encontrado
con varios órganos mutilados, por una unidad patrullera de la Marina de Guerra, boyando en las
aguas del mar Caribe, frente de la Playa de Boca Chica.reportó la Policía.
Pinales Zapata era ampliamente conocido como buzo y residía en el kilómetro 47 de la autovía del
Este, del paraje Las Malenas, perteneciente al municipio de Boca Chica, de acuerdo a los informes
suministrados por las autoridades.
Compañeros del joven dijeron que les habían advertido en varias ocasiones la presencia de
tiburones en esa zona, pero éste supuestamente argumento que no le temía.
El caso ha llenado de consternación a los residentes del paraje Las Malenas, debido a que la víctima
se había convertido en una figura muy admirada por sus dotes de servicios.



ANDRES, BOCA CHICA .- A man who was diving in the area of Las Malenas, this community,
was eaten by a shark on Monday, which shocked acompañeros and relatives of the victim.
The victim was identified by police as Pedrito Pinales Zapata, 21, was found several mutilated
bodies, by a patrol unit of the Navy, boyando in the Caribbean Sea, facing the beach of Boca
Chica.reportó Police.
Pinales Zapata was widely known as a diver and resided at kilometer 47 of the highway east of the
site The Malenas, in the municipality of Boca Chica, according to reports provided by the
The young fellow said they had been warned on several occasions, the presence of sharks in that
area, but he allegedly was not afraid of argument.
The case has been filled with consternation to the residents of the place The Malenas, because the
victim had become a figure much admired for her gifts of services.
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11/15/2010 Pedrito Pinales (Dominican Republic ) ***Fatal***

Post by sharkbait »

Dominican diver killed in rare shark attack

A young man who was diving in the zone Las Malenas near this resort town was devoured by a shark Monday morning, according to the Police and the Navy.

The victim of the rare attack, Pedrito Pinales, 21, was found completely mutilated by a Navy patrol boat floating in the Caribbean, in front of the beach.

He was known as a competent diver and resided 47 kilometers east of Santo Domingo on the Easter Motorway, in the rural area Las Malenas, said the authorities.

Pinales’ colleagues said they had warned him several times on the presence of sharks in that zone, but ignored them arguing that he wasn’t afraid of them.

Boca Chica, Dominican Republic

http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/local/ ... ark-attack
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