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09/12/2003 David Bornman (South Africa) ***Fatal***

Shark Attack Survivors News Archive for Shark Attacks in 2003
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09/12/2003 David Bornman (South Africa) ***Fatal***

Post by sharkbait »

David Borman before Shark Attack
David Borman before Shark Attack
david_borman_shark_attack_1.jpg (18.45 KiB) Viewed 23784 times
Origins: As unreal as these images may appear to many viewers (and as much as we might wish they were indeed unreal), they unfortunately correspond to a fatal shark attack which took place just off a Cape Town beach in 2003 and claimed the life of a teenage boy.
David Borman picture of shark attack injury
David Borman picture of shark attack injury
David Borman close up of white shark injury
David Borman close up of white shark injury
On the afternoon of 12 September 2003, 19 year-old David Borman, who had only nine months earlier graduated from Rondebosch Boys' High in Cape Town, was pursuing his passion for surfing with six friends at Dunes, a popular surf area between Noordhoek and Kommetjie. David was reportedly no more than 100 to 150 feet from shore when he was attacked by a great white shark, one which possibly — given that David was wearing a black wetsuit and fins and using a black boogie board — mistook him for a seal and bit into him, causing what news reports described as a "massive injury from his back down to his thigh."

Peter Whale and Brent Mills, two other surfers in the water at the time, witnessed the attack and came to David Borman's aid:
Whale said he heard a loud splash even though there were no sets of waves coming through.

"I looked across and saw this guy in the shark's mouth. It was the biggest shark I've ever seen in my life. It took him under, then came up and just tossed him and then disappeared."

Whale said he shouted "shark!" and they all started paddling in furiously.

Mills said he saw Bornman catch a wave towards the shore.

"But the water around him turned red. The whole wave was just blood."

He paddled out to help the stricken teenager, who told him he couldn't breathe.

"I told him he still had his legs but I could tell the bite was bad. You could see into his body."

Whale, who is trained as a rescue diver, gave Bornman CPR for half an hour but he was dead within minutes.
The victim lost most or all of his blood volume before reaching shore, a phenomenon which accounts for the lack of "gore" in the photographs shown above and has led some viewers to believe the images were manipulated or depicted some type of mannequin.
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Post by sharkbait »


Horror attack off Noordhoek

Friday, September 12, 2003

NOORDHOEK, CAPE TOWN --- A 19 year old bodyboarder died surfing the Dunes after being attacked by a shark.

Dave Bornman, who was surfing the mid-break, died of massive blood loss as he was pulled from the surf by nearby surfers.

The shark - presumably a Great White - hit him once, pulling him under and then flinging him up. The force of the bite cut through his torso and lower body.

The shark let go when it realised that he wasn't prey. Newspapers reported that the sea around him turned red as he bravely tried to catch a wave in. The impact of the bite had caused a traumatic wound and his life blood drained away. He passed on soon afterwards.

This is the second shark attack in a year around the Cape Peninsula but the first fatality in many years. Surfers can't remember when last a surfer has died in Cape Town. A bodyboarder lost his life in Knysna in 1999, surfing the 'Fish Boma'.

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