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07/12/2014 - Carson Jewell - North Carolina

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:33 pm
by alb
*** Shark Attack Masonboro - North Carolina ***

Surfer recovering from shark bite off Masonboro

WILMINGTON, NC (WWAY) -- A Wilmington surfer got quite the experience Saturday. He says when he caught a wave near Masonboro Island, a shark caught him.

"I let my friend from out of town ride my board, and I caught one wave on my stomach, and at the end of the wave I got bitten on the hand," Carson Jewell said during a phone interview today.

Jewell said he saw a fin 30 minutes before the bite, but did not pay it any mind.

"My hand was out, and the next thing I know there was pressure and really rough," he said. "It didn't feel rough. Just felt like I knew exactly what was happening. It didn't hurt. When I stood up I could feel the body of the shark hitting my legs. It had me no more than two seconds, and there was no time to react, to think about it, or to do anything heroic."

Within a matter of seconds, reaction from friends took over

"A friend of mine had a surfboard leash. I had some first responder training. I got them to tie a tourniquet with the surf board leash around my arm, which slowed the bleeding down enough to walk to the back side of the island," Jewell said.

Jewell was treated and released from the hospital.

The 32-year-old Wilmington native says he won't let this incident keep him out of water.

"Looking at the people that go to the beach all the time, I just happened to the be the guy that just got it."

Jewell is expected to make a full recovery and said next time, he'll pay more attention.

Jewell said he's never heard of someone who has been bitten twice by a shark. He hopes that stays true for him.